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For questions 1 to 30, please use pencil to fill the circle on the answer sheet that represents the best answer (2 points for each question).

1. When you see a file with extension .wav, what does it represent?
A. A colorful image.
B. A sound track.
C. A video clip.
D. An animated icon.

2. The data transfer speed of network connections is normally measured in
A. Bits per second (bps)
B. Bytes per second (Bps)
C. Frames per second (Fps)
D. Packets per second (Pps).

3. A special characteristic of the ADSL connection is:
A. Download speed will be the same as upload speed.
B. Download speed is faster than upload speed.
C. Upload speed is faster than download speed.
D. Download speed and upload speed are set depending on the application.

4. Which of the following format is used for DVD?



5. To get higher quality digital music one could

A. increase the bandwidth of the network.
B. increase the sample rate during recording.
C. use MPEG4 compression technology.
D. use streaming technology.

6. One should make a JavaScript code sequence in an HTML document a function if
A. the sequence is to be executed a number of times with possibly different values for some variables.
B. the sequence requires the use of arrays.
C. the sequence is rather long and complicated.
D. all of the above are good reasons to use functions.

7. For the HTML line below, what will be the message displayed when the button is clicked?
<input type="submit" value="click me!!"
name="dont click me" onClick="alert('COMP101')">

A. submit
B. click me!!
C. dont click me
D. COMP101

8. Which attribute is required for the <SCRIPT> tag in order to be considered valid HTML?
A. javascript
B. language
C. type
D. all of the above

9. The following JavaScript statement is normally used to show when the webpage was last modified:

document.write("Last Modified: " + document.lastModified + ".");

what will happen when the browser tries to render the page if we change document.write to document.writeln?
A. no change of output
B. the output will be in three lines, instead of one
C. no output since there is no built-in function called document.writeln
D. browser error

10. What is the output of the following JavaScript segment?
function difference (a, b) {
var result = a + b;
return result;

var total = difference (13,24);

A. 11
B. 13
C. 37
D. total

11. It is possible to pass the W3C validator by including alt="" as an attribute for <IMG>. But that is not good practice since
A. it will not improve webpage accessibility.
B. the image may be distorted.
C. the caption of the image may become "".
D. the Microsoft Narrator may read out quote, quote which is confusing to