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COMP171 Midterm Exam Fall 2004
1. Multiple Choice
(ii) O(n)

(ii) O(logn)

(i) O(logn)

(iii) 255

(ii) 4

2. Complexity
(a) i = n, i = ,i = ,... . O(log2 n)
(b) line 6: T (n.1), line 7: T (n.1), line 8: T (0) or T (1), and T (0) = T (1)
T (n)= T (n . 1) + T (n . 1) + T (1) =2T (n . 1) + T (1) = 2(2T (n . 2) + T (1)) + T (1) =22T (n . 2) + 2T (1) + T (1)
. =2n.1T (1) + 2n.1T (1) + ... + T (1) = (2n . 1)T (1) = O(2n)
best case worst case
unsorted array sorted array unsorted single-linked list sorted single-linked list binary search tree O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(n) O(1) O(n) O(n)

3. (a) Same as 3.34(1)
(b) // return true if a cycle is found
return CheckCycle(root, root, 1, 2);

checkCycle(s, t, sStep, tStep): if (sStep > 0) if (s has left child) if(checkCycle(s->left, t, sStep-1, tStep)) return true if (s has right child) if (checkCycle(s->right, t, sStep-1, tStep)) return true return false
else if (tStep > 0) if (t has left child) if(checkCycle(s, t->left, sStep, tStep-1)) return true if (t has right child) if (checkCycle(s, t->right, sStep, tStep-1)) return true return false
// compare
if (s == t)

return true else return checkCycle(s, t, 1, 2)
(c) Use a List to store all elements along the path down to the current node. Also store the information whether the right or left child has been taken, for all nodes along this path.
For every visited node, check all its ancestors (stored in the list).
4. Stacks and Queues

if !isEmpty(Q) temp = delete(Q), // implicit stack Reverse(Q), // recursive call add(Q, temp) // "stack" pop

n = size(Q)
for i = n downto 1

// find last element in Q
for j = 1 to i-1
// cycle shift
add(Q, delete(Q))
temp = delete(Q) // and insert it into R add(R, temp)
// copy R back into Q
for i = 1 to n
add(Q, delete(R))
(c) BAC cannot be formed. Because you need to push all letters so that B is the top element on S3. In the .rst move, we cannot move A to S3, so A will be at the bottom of S2. In the second move, we cannot move B to S3, so B
will beontopofAin S2. Therefore, A cannot be popped from S2 earlier than B.
5. Trees


Note must be in depth 3 at least. Otherwise it does not have a grand parent. Key might not be in the tree. Use stack/list to store a path from the root to the current node. Procedure as in lecture notes.

6. AVL Trees