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COMP364 Computer Security, 2008 Fall Semester
Quiz 1, Sample Solutions
Problem 1: Does 2 have the multiplicative inverse modulo 12? Justify your answer brie.y.
16 marks Solution: No. This is because gcd(2,12) =2 .1.
Problem 2: Let f be a permutation of Zd, where d is a positive integer. It is a 5-tuple (M,C,K,Ek ,Dk ), where
M = C = set of all .nite strings of English letters.

K isthe setof allpossiblepairs(d,f).

k =(d,f)K is the secret key; and

Amessageisdividedintoblocks oflength d. For each messageblock m = m0 md.1 ,

Ek (m)= mf (0) mf (d.1)
. For each ciphertext block c = c0 cd.1 ,
Dk (c)= cf .1 (0) cf .1 (d.1)
An English message M of 120d letters is encrypted into a ciphertext C using the transposition cipher above. Suppose that the English letter a appeared 36 times in M. What is the number of times a appeared in the ciphertext C?
16 marks Solution: 36. Problem 3: Inordertouseatwo-key cipherasapublic-key cipher securely,thetwo-key
cipher must satisfy two conditions. What are the two conditions?
16 marks
It is computationally infeasible to derive the decryption key from the encryption key.

It is computationally infeasible to derive the message from the ciphertext.

Problem 4: Explain brie.y why the prime p in the RSA system must be kept secret.
16 marks
Solution: Because in RSA system, {e,n}is public knowledge, {d}is secret key. If p is known to an attacker, then the attacker can compute q = n/p,(n)=(p.1)(q.1), and .nd out the secret key d = e.1 mod (n).
Problem 5: What are the three purposes of having the certi.cate hierarchy in a PKI? (Recall that in the certi.cate hierarchy, we have the Root CA, intermediate CAs, Local CAs, and users which are arranged using a tree structure).
16 marks Solution: The main purpose are the following:
It solves the scalability problem.

It makes the administration easier.

It allows the establishment of CA trust through the chain in the hierarchy.

Problem 06: Suppose that RSA and a hash function f are used for digital signature. The standard approach is the following: to compute a hash value f(m)of the message m with a hash function f, and then
The signer computes a hash value f(m)of the message m.

Thesignerthenuseshis/herprivatekeykd tocomputehisdigitalsignatureDkd (f(m)).

The signer .nally sends m||Dkd (f(m))to the receiver.

In this protocol, digital signature is used for nonrepudiation purpose. Can the digi-tal signature be used for data integrity checking purpose? Justify your answer brie.y.
20 marks
Solution: Yes. If someone modi.ed the data during transmission, the signature veri.-cation will fail. So it can be used for data integrity checking.