(MARK222)3623a0 - Exam2_2009f_answer.pdf
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MARK 222 Marketing Research
Fall 2009
Exam II

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Total 200 points. 1 hour and 20 minute exam. Be concise and clear in writing answers. There are 6 pages including this page. Make sure that your copy has all 6 pages.
Part I. True/False Questions, 20 points for each
Read each argument and discuss whether the argument is true or false. Just writing True or False would not earn credit although it may be correct. Your discussion matters. Good discussion with wrong answer will get partial credit. However, discussion should be concise. Unnecessary or irrelevant discussion may be penalized.
I-1. In the ANOVA (analysis of variance) for the mean difference testing, it is assumed that the between-group variance is the same as the within-group variance.
False. We assume the within-group variances are identical across groups. We do not have any assumption on the between-group variance.
I-2. In the T-test of a regression coefficient, a small (i.e., smaller than the researchers significance level) p-value indicates that the coefficient is significantly different from zero.
True. This indicates that the test statistic is larger than the critical value. We reject the null hypothesis (=0). That is, the result indicates that the coefficient is significantly different from zero.
Part II. 20 points for each
Suppose the following questionnaire is used to analyze relative importance of attributes. Further suppose we collect opinions from 200 consumers using the questionnaire.
Q1. Do you buy soft drinks regularly (e.g. at least once a week)? ( ) Yes. (Then, answer both Q2 and Q3.) ( ) No. (Then, answer Q3 only.)
Q2. Please select 5 most important criteria when you buy soft drinks or juice. And rank them from 1 to 5 with 1 being the most important. ( ) Taste ( ) Price ( ) Brand ( ) Souvenirs ( ) Trend ( ) Packaging ( ) Nutrition Value ( ) Calories Level
Q3. What is you gender? ( ) Female ( ) Male
II-1. Make a code book for the questionnaire.
Q1. Define a dummy variable, say BUY, whose value =1 if yes, or =0 if No. Q2. Define 8 variables for the 8 attributes. If an attribute is selected among the 5 chosen items, then input the number given by the respondent. Note that we need to be very careful in dealing with no-answer case as there are two different types of no-answer. For those 3 attributes that are not included in the set of the 5 important items in the respondents answer, give a number larger than 5 (such as 6) to indicate that those attributes are not as important as the chosen 5 attributes. The key is that we need to keep the order. For the respondents who chose No in Q1, assign 9 to all the 8 variables to indicate missing information. Q3. Define a dummy variable, say GENDER, whose value =1 if female, or =0 if male.
II-2. Suppose our client wants to know if Price is more important than Taste. Explain how to compare the relative importance of