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MATH321 Final/2005
1. (40 Marks) Consider the surface S given by the parametrization X(u, v)= (u, v, uv2).
Find the .rst fundamental form under this parametrization.

Find the second fundamental form under the parametrization.

Compute the Gauss curvature K of the surface.

Find the principal directions and principal curvatures at the ori-gin.

Find asymptotic curves.

Find normal curvature of the curve (t)=(t, t, t3) on the surface at t = 1.

Find elliptic points, hyperbolic points, parabolic points and plan-ner points.

2. (15 Marks) Let p be a point on a regular surface S. Assume p is not an umbilical point. Suppose that, for any two tangent directions ~v and

w~of S at p with angle , where 0 , the sum of the normal

curvatures along ~v and w~is a constant, prove that =.
(15 Marks) If a sphere intersects a surface S at a constant angle, prove that the curve of intersection is a line of curvature on S.

(15 Marks) Let (s) be a regular curve parametrized by arc length ~

s with non-vanishing curvature. Consider the surface S: X(s, v)=
(s)+ v~n(s), where ~n(s) is the unit normal vector to . Prove that the ~
tangent planes of S along any coordinate curve X(s0,v) for a .xed s0 are the same if and only if is a plane curve.
5. (15 Marks) Let (s) be a regular curve on a regular surface S where s
is an arc length parameter. Suppose that the curvature of is nonzero ~
everywhere. Let N(s) be the unit normal vector of the surface along
the curve . Let w~(s)= N(s) 0(s). Prove that the vector .eld w~(s) is parallel along if and only if is a geodesic.
Xu Xv Xu Xu
Xu Xv Xv Xv
Xuu Xuv
Xu Xv
eg . f2 .4v2
(c) K == .
EG . F 2 (v4 +4u2v2 + 1)2
(d) Since at the origin e = f = g = 0, the second fundamental form is a zero form. Therefore principal curvatures are zeros and all
directions are principal directions.
1. (a)
= (1, 0,v

= (0, 1, 2uv). E =

=1+ v


3 22


G =






Xvv = (0, 0, 2u). (.v2 , .2uv, 1)
N(u, v)=
= (0, 0, 0),

= (0, 0, 2v),


, .2uv, 1).


v4 +4u2v2 +1
e = Xuu N =0,


= Xuv N =

v4 +4u2v2 +12u


g = Xvv


v4 +4u2v2 +1
(e) Let
X(u(t),v(t)) be an asymptotic curve, then we have the equa-tion eu 0(t)2 +2fu0(t)v 0(t)+ gv 0(t)2 =0,
4vu 0 v 0 +2uv 0 v 0 =0.
Thus either v0 = 0 or (u2v)0 = 0. Therefore the asymptotic curves are v = const, u = 0, or u2v = c where c = 0. 6

0(1) = (1, 1, 3). Thus |0(1)| =
1, v0(t) = 1. Thus we can

X(t, t). u(t)= t, v(t)= t. We have u
(f) Write (t) 11. Let


0(1) 1

(1, 1).

Therefore the normal curvature is

0 000
e(1, 1)( )2 +2f(1, 1) + g(1